Refund Policy
You can request a refund from BoostBae in the following situations:
-We are unable to fulfill the service according to the agreed terms.
-Your service has not yet begun, and you would like to cancel it.
-If your order is in progress and you choose to cancel, you may be eligible for a partial refund.
To submit a refund request, please contact our support team at The rules and regulations for refund procedures are outlined below.
Refund requests must be submitted within 48 hours. The transfer of funds typically takes 1 to 14 business days, depending on the payment system. BoostBae has no control over this process.
No commission is applied to refunds.
-We are unable to fulfill the service according to the agreed terms.
-Your service has not yet begun, and you would like to cancel it.
-If your order is in progress and you choose to cancel, you may be eligible for a partial refund.
To submit a refund request, please contact our support team at The rules and regulations for refund procedures are outlined below.
Refund requests must be submitted within 48 hours. The transfer of funds typically takes 1 to 14 business days, depending on the payment system. BoostBae has no control over this process.
No commission is applied to refunds.