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  • WoW Mage Tower
  • WoW Mage Tower Boost
From $5.50
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Mage Tower Challenge Boost

Buy WoW Mage Tower Challenge Boost

Purchase a Mage Tower Timewalking carry from Boostbae and earn your class-specific transmog sets with our customizable offers. Complete any challange you want on Mage Tower challenges to unlock these rewards. If you want the Mage-Bound Spelltome mount for finishing all challenges, you can click here.  Choose the Mage Tower Challenges boost to complete any challenge effortlessly!


  • Consider and accept the risks associated with account sharing for the Piloted method. We highly recommend opting for Remote Control for this service.

  •  Please refer to the "Boost method" spoiler for more details. Due to pre-expansion patch adjustments, the service might take longer than expected.

What You Will Get:

  • Guaranteed Mage Tower completion

  • Transmogrification set for your class (a recolor of the Tier 20 set from Tomb of Sargeras)

  • Fel Werebear form (special reward for Guardian Druids)

  • The "Towering Success" achievement for completing at least one challenge

Some classes and the Spelltome mount are currently unavailable due to scaling issues with the pre-patch. These will become available once the issue is resolved.

    Additional Options:

    • 500,000 Gold: We will transfer this amount to your account as we complete the main order.

    • Stream: Watch your progress live.

    Boost Methods
    How it works

    WoW Mage Tower Boost

    The Mage Tower presents seven highly challenging encounters, each requiring mastery of your character’s skills. Challenges are divided into:

    • Tank Specs: One challenge
    • Healing Specs: One challenge
    • DPS Specs: Five challenges (generally easier than tank and healing)

    To complete all seven challenges, it’s recommended to use at least three different characters, such as Death Knight, Demon Hunter, and Paladin.

    Rewards include:

    BoostBae can handle the Mage Tower challenges efficiently. Skip the prep work and avoid repeated failures—let our expert boosters get the job done.

    WoW Mage Tower FAQ

    • Is Mage Tower still available in WoW?
      Yes, the Mage Tower is permanently available in World of Warcraft, including during The War Within expansion.
    • How do I get to the Mage Tower in WoW?
      Travel to Dalaran (Broken Isles version) and use the flight path to Deliverance Point on the Broken Shore, or fly there if you haven’t unlocked the flight path. Speak with War Councilor Victoria at Deliverance Point (46.6, 62.0).
    • How do you unlock the Mage Tower mount?
      Complete all 7 Mage Tower challenges on one or more characters to earn the A Tour of Towers achievement and the Mage-Bound Spelltome, which unlocks the Soaring Spelltome flying mount.
    • Is Mage Tower available for Evokers?
      No, Mage Tower challenges do not include Evokers as they were designed for classes available during the Legion expansion.