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  • Nerub’ar Palace Heroic and Mythic+ Bundle
  • Nerub’ar Palace Heroic and Mythic+ Boost
From $0.50
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Liberation of Undermine Heroic and Mythic+ Bundle

Libertion of Undermine Heroic and Mythic+ Bundle

BoostBae now offers an unbeatable price combo for The War Within! Embark on the Liberation of Undermine Heroic adventure and enjoy an exclusive 25% discount on a Mythic+ dungeon runs. With this service, you’ll not only secure high-level gear but also eliminate the stress of searching for a group. Dive into the adventure and claim your rewards today!

What you will get:

  • Liberation of Undermine Heroic Raid and a discounted Mythic + dungeon runs.

  • Chance to loot 649-665 ilvl gear from the Heroic Run.

  • Chance to loot 655 ilvl gear from Mythic +10.

  • Harbinger Crest currencies.

  • Chance to get Prototype A.S.M.R. mount.

  • Guaranteed weekly reward from the Great Vault (up to 649-662 ilvl item).

Loot Distribution Info:

  • Group Loot: Ideal for those who want to experience the raid without focusing on loot. No guaranteed items, and you might compete with others for the same gear.

  • Unsaved Group Loot: Increases your chance to roll for more items by bringing in more players who aren’t locked for the week’s loot.

  • Armor Type Priority: You’ll receive all armor of your type, provided it’s an upgrade. This run type is best for those seeking specific armor pieces or tier set bonuses.

  • Full Priority: The ultimate raid boost. You’ll be the only customer, receiving all possible items. Invite up to three other players with different armor types to maximize your gear haul.

Options for Unsaved Characters:

  • 10 characters: 2-3 items per run.

  • 15 characters: 3-4 items per run.

  • 20 characters: 4-5 items per run.

  • 25 characters: 6 items per run.

Additional Options:

  • 500,000 Gold:We will transfer this amount to your account as we complete the main order.

  • Stream:Watch your progress live.

Discounted Bundles:

  • 3+1 Free Mythic +10 – Discounted Bundle:After completing your order successfully, play with top teams and complete 4 Mythic+10 keystones for the price of 3 with our exclusive offer.

  • 3+1 Delves Tier 8 Runs – Discounted Bundle:Take advantage of our special deal—complete 4 Delves Tier 8 runs for the price of 3 after finishing your current order successfully.

  • 6+2 Delves Tier 8 Runs – Discounted Bundle:Maximize your rewards with 8 Delves Tier 8 runs for the price of 6, following the completion of your current order.

Boost Methods
How it works