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  • WoW Allied Races Unlock
  • WoW Allied Races Unlock Boost
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Allied Races Unlock

Buy Allied Races Unlock Service

Step into the world of extraordinary characters with our Allied Races Unlock service. These races add a fresh and captivating dimension to your gameplay, and unlocking them is now easier than ever. Elevate your gaming experience with our exclusive Allied Races boost, allowing you to embrace the race of your choice swiftly and effortlessly.

Imagine outfitting your characters in Heritage Armor sets that are unique and exquisitely detailed. Our World of Warcraft power leveling service offers you the chance to acquire these remarkable sets. Once you've unlocked the race, simply create a new WoW character of that race on your account, and our experienced boosters will take it from there, leveling it up to 50.

Explore the stunning Heritage Armor sets and majestic race mounts in the details below. Enhance your WoW adventure and seize this opportunity to elevate your gaming experience with our Allied Races boost today!

What You Will Get

  • Chosen Horde, Alliance, or Neutral allied races unlocked.

  • Special transmog sets unique to the new races.

  • Hidden Feat of Strength achievements for unlocking the new race on your account.

  • Unique mounts usable by any of your characters.

Additional Options:

  • I need to unlock World Quests: We will unlock your World Quests.

  • 500,000 Gold:We will transfer this amount to your account as we complete the main order.

  • Stream:Watch your progress live.

Discounted Bundles:

  • Nerub'ar Heroic + Free Nerub'ar Normal – Discounted Bundle:

    After completing your order successfully, we’ll help you conquer Nerub’ar Palace on both Heroic and Normal difficulties at a discounted rate.

  • Nerub’ar Heroic & Mythic +10 – Discounted Bundle:

    After completing your order successfully, boost your progress further with our service for Nerub’ar Palace Heroic and Mythic +10 Key completions.

  • 3+1 Free Mythic +10 – Discounted Bundle:

    After completing your order successfully, play with top teams and complete 4 Mythic+10 keystones for the price of 3 with our exclusive offer.

  • Delves Tier 8 Runs – Discounted Bundle:

    Take advantage of our special deal—complete 4 Delves Tier 8 runs for the price of 3 after finishing your current order successfully.

  • 6+2 Delves Tier 8 Runs – Discounted Bundle:

    Maximize your rewards with 8 Delves Tier 8 runs for the price of 6, following the completion of your current order.

Boost Methods
How it works

Horde Allied Races

Alliance Allied Races

Allied Races Unlock FAQ

How to unlock Allied Races in WoW?

  1. Unlock the Allied Race: Begin by completing the special quest chain for the Allied Race you wish to play. You can start these quests in either the Stormwind or Orgrimmar Embassy.
  2. Reach Level 40+: Ensure your character is at least level 40 to access these quests and begin the process of unlocking your chosen Allied Race character.

How hard is it to unlock Allied Races?

Unlocking Allied Races is relatively easy. Here's what you need to do:

  1. Reach Level 40: Ensure you have at least one character that has reached level 40.
  2. Visit Your Faction Embassy: Go to the Faction Embassy in either Stormwind or Orgrimmar.
  3. Select Your Desired Race: Choose the Allied Race you want to unlock.
  4. Complete the Unlock Scenario: Engage in the unlocking scenario, typically a short quest chain that should take less than an hour to complete.

Following these steps will allow you to unlock all desired Allied Races with just one level 40 character.

What level do you start Allied Races?

Allied Race characters begin their journey at level 10, which makes it easier to start your adventure with these races.

Can I unlock Allied Races while leveling?

Yes, unlocking Allied Races is now more accessible. The only requirement is reaching level 40 with a character on your account (previously level 50). When you create a new Allied Race character, you'll receive guidance from Chromie instead of the Warboard. Enjoy exploring the diverse world of Allied Races with fewer restrictions.