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  • WoW RBG Rating Boost
  • WoW RBG Rating Carry
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WoW RBG Rating

Buy WoW RBG Boost

Get your Rated Battleground (RBG) victories and rating boosted with BoostBae's premium RBG services. Achieve the desired number of RBG wins, earn Honor Points, and progress toward your PvP goals, all with the help of professional PvP gamers. Our skilled boosters are ready to carry you through even the toughest RBG matches, helping you climb the ladder and secure top-tier rewards.

Whether you're aiming for RBG wins or a specific rating, BoostBae's RBG services are tailored to meet your needs. We guarantee efficient results and the possibility to play alongside Rank 1 players, ensuring maximum efficiency in every match. Forget about low-skilled teammates and frustrating defeats our pros have you covered.

What You Will Get:

  • The desired number of RBG wins.

  • PvP gear, Honor Points, and Conquest Points with each win.

  • Honor level and seasonal PvP mount progression.

  • A chance to earn tier set pieces.

  • Achievement progression toward General/High Warlord (Horde) or Marshal/Grand Marshal (Alliance) on reaching 2400 rating.

Additional Options:

  • PvP Gear Farm: Select this option if your character needs the best PvP gear set to be competitive in the arena or battlegrounds. If you already own some pieces, contact us for a discount.

  • BiS PvP Combat Kit: This option equips your character with all the best current meta gear, including crafted items, conquest gear, tier sets, and more. It's the perfect choice to dominate in high-level PvP content.

  • Stream: Watch the action live with a streaming option for your WoW Cataclysm RBG boost.

  • 500,000 Gold:

    We will transfer this amount to your account as we complete the main order.


    Boost Methods
    How it works

    WoW RBG Rating Boost

    Rated Battlegrounds (RBGs) offer a thrilling opportunity to participate in large-scale faction battles, moving beyond the confined space of Arenas and Solo-Shuffle. If massive PvP skirmishes excite you and you're looking to improve your rating and earn valuable Conquest points for gear upgrades, our WoW RBG Boost service is the perfect solution.

    With our WoW RBG carry service, you can achieve any rating rank you're aiming for:

    Combatant I: 1000–1199

    Combatant II: 1200-1399

    Challenger I: 1400-1599

    Challenger II: 1600–1799

    Rival I: 1800–1949

    Rival II: 1950–2099

    Duelist: 2100–2399

    Elite: 2400+

    WoW RBG Rewards

    RBG fights not only offer an exciting PvP challenge, but also give you a chance to gear up with powerful Conquest gear. Moreover, climbing the RBG ranks comes with prestigious rewards. By increasing your RBG rating, you can unlock a wide array of rewards 

    Be aware that you can always order a Rank 1 Team for TWW RBG Boosting, allowing you to play alongside the most experienced PvP players in the game. With this elite team, you can be confident that you won't miss any rewards during your RBG journey.

    WoW RBG Boost FAQ

    What is RBG in World of Warcraft?
    RBGs (Rated Battlegrounds) are a 10v10 PvP mode. The strategies, team compositions, and setups differ significantly from Arenas. One of the biggest challenges in RBGs is that there is no matchmaking system—you must manually assemble your team of 9 other players.

    An easier way to experience RBGs is through a carry service like the one offered here. Our RBG boost service is performed by a team of professional players. If you opt for the self-play option, you'll witness high-level gameplay while achieving your desired rating and rewards.

    How do I start a Rated Battleground?
    To start your RBG journey, you need a character at least level 50 and a premade group to join the battle. Finding an experienced team can be tricky, but you can skip this hassle by ordering a WoW RBG boost from BoostBae and enjoy playing with seasoned PvP pros.

    How much rating do you gain from an RBG win?
    The rating gain depends on your performance and the Matchmaking Rating (MMR) of your opponents. Defeating higher-rated teams results in greater rating rewards for your victories.